Grit Ohio
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November 2022 Update – Adams, Brown, Clermont, and Highland Counties


Stats & Figures

“We are grateful for the GRIT Project and all it has done for our students.”

Jason Iles, Principal (Whiteoak Jr/Sr High School)

Assessments This Quarter

Students take the Future Plans Career assessment which identifies their strengths, interests, personality and work values and then explore careers that are a fit for them. Each student meets one-on-one with a career coach to discuss their results and potential career paths with the end-goal of developing a career plan. Below is a snapshot of schools who completed this process and the number of students who received career guidance.

Adams North Adams45
West Union82
Ohio Valley CTC8
Brown Eastern Local8
ClermontGrant Career Technical Center277
New Richmond Exempted Village93
Williamsburg Local60
Highland Bright Local (Whiteoak Jr./Sr. HS)12
Greenfield Exempted Village116
Hillsboro City278
Lynchburg-Clay Local School District158

County Highlights


  • The Ohio Valley School District continues its commitment to a career-focused district by continuing to offer a career exploration class to all sophomores. Coupled with a career assessment and coaching, this is the 3rd year of providing support to students in the development of a post-high school path. 


  • The Brown County fair wouldn’t be complete without an activity sponsored by the Brown County Educational Services Center. GRIT featured careers within the agronomics industry and engaged students with a career scavenger hunt that spanned the career fairgrounds
  • The Brown County Chamber of Commerce has partnered with GRIT to identify a student intern to help with marketing. By evaluating the student career assessment data, GRIT has identified 5 candidates for the Chamber to consider. THANK YOU Chamber for creating this important opportunity for a student!


  • GRIT participated in the Batavia High School speed mentoring career fair on October 13, 2022. This event was a great place for the Batavia High School students to meet individuals in many different careers. 
  • Human services providers in Clermont County are collaborating through the GRIT Project to more effectively connect with the high schools. Organizations such as Ohio Means Jobs, Easter Seals, and Pressley Ridge have resources to help students with workforce training, transportation, and work experiences. Together we are building a stronger Clermont County.


  • The Highland County community (schools, Chamber, government, economic development, and others) has worked for the last 8 months to build a collaborative focus on connecting students to the workforce and work experiences. Called “Access,” this unique collaboration is laying the foundation to strengthen the pipeline of trained workforce for the county. All 5 county high schools have committed to using the career assessment & coaching process provided by GRIT along with other common tools to accelerate this effort across the county.

November 2022 Update – Gallia, Lawrence, and Scioto Counties

November 2022 Update – Jackson, Pike, Ross, and Vinton