The GRIT career assessment and coaching process can be implemented flexibly to meet the needs of your school. The data produced from this process can aid you and your students in identifying career pathways and making decisions about career technical education, College Credit Plus, and/or obtaining industry credentials.
Career Ready
The GRIT Project has many resources to aid your school in developing career-ready students upon graduation. Most schools begin with the Future Plans career assessment and coaching process as a way to start developing a career plan for every student. GRIT also can support schools with the development and execution of career days, career exploration class curriculum, summer workforce training, and the embedding of industry credentials (Ohio graduation points) into classes.
Job Services
Students taking the career assessment and being coached on training options, career pathways, and their customized results, is just the beginning of the process. The GRIT Project offers more by way of job shadowing, work experience, and internships. We work with schools, organizations, and businesses to ensure students have the tools necessary to plan their next steps.

Student Internships
The GRIT project works to connect students to great internship opportunities with local businesses and organizations. Students who show aptitude and interest in PR and IT may be interested in our own marketing internship program. This program allows students the opportunity to learn new skills, work as part of a team, and earn money as they contribute content for our marketing efforts. Content ranges from written copy to images and video, which students help to edit.
The GRIT Project collaborates with schools, organizations, and businesses to increase opportunities for growth in the lives of individuals and in the community. Through partnerships in the community we are able to offer training, credentials, experience, and employment opportunities.
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